Sikorsky S 92 G-LAWX was a late afternoon arrival parking on
the Elmdon apron next to Boeing 737-73T BBJ N500LS....
Photo: Mike Hollick
.... which departed back to Columbus, Ohio, in the US
Photo: Ron Kosys
.... while G-LAWX also departed
Photos: Mike Hollick
Eastern Saab 2000 G-CERZ positioned in from Norwich to take
Leicester Tigers to Parma, Italy, for their Heineken Cup tie
against Viadana on Saturday
Photo: Mike Hollick.
Photo: Ron Kosys.Speedwings Citation CJ2 HB-VOL was a visitor to the Elmdon apron

Eurowings Canadair CRJ 900 D-ACND operated the mid morning
Lufthansa service from Dusseldorf - its first visit to BHX

XL France Airbus A320 F-GRSI operated a day stopping
charter flight from Rotterdam and parking up on Stand 82
Photos: Ron Kosys