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Saturday 27 April 2013 - Coventry

The end of an era! - Atlantic Airlines last airworthy Electra G-LOFC ferried from Katowice to Coventry in the
early hours of Saturday after operating their final Electra commercial flight from Leipzig on behalf of DHL

The aircraft has been sold to Buffalo Airways at Yellowknife and departed to Keflavik just after 1045....
.... Atlantic Airlines staff were out in force to wave it off and it received a water canon salute

.... as it taxied out to depart Coventry for the last time lining up on Runway 05 Photos: Mike Hollick

.... after taking off it made one final approach

.... and flyby along Runway 05 Photo: Mike Hollick

.... before climbing away en-route to it new home in Canada

A close up look at G-LOFC earlier in the morning when the sun was out

.... and a final look in the cockpit
.... and at those powerful Allison turboprops

"Buffalo Joe" - the owner of Buffalo Airways - was on hand to supervise the departure

A final sunny shot of Lockheed Electra G-LOFC which was the last airworthy Electra in Europe
Photos: James Ralph


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