The Royal International Air Tattoo at Fairford was cancelled due
to the poor weather - departures day however dawned bright and
sunny - front line aircraft visitors included -
.J-055 F-16AM Royal Netherlands Air Force 313 Sqn
.9819 Grippen Czech Air Force 211 tl
.J-3082 F-5E Tiger II Swiss Air Force "Patrouille Suisse"
.FB18 F-16B Belgian Air Force 349 Sqn "20 years OCU"
.mm7006 Tornado IDS Italian Air Force 6 Stormo
.ZJ690 Bombardier Sentinel R.1 RAF 5 Sqn
.85-0074 B-1B 7th BW
.60-0021 B-52H USAF 2nd BW
Photos: Mike Hollick